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제 목 | 발표지 |
퇴행성 척추관 협착증에서 Estrogen 수용체의 유전자 발현 | 대한정형외과 학회지 |
감염성 동맥류에 동반된 Salmonella균에 의한 척추염 | 대한정형외과 학회지 |
골단내 혈관 부착 근피판술과 관절강내 혈소판 유도 성장인자의 투여가 동결괴사된 관절연골의 재생에 미치는 효과 | 대한정형외과 연구학회지 |
직장암의 최초 전이부로부터 직접파종에 의한 원격 경막내 전이 | 대한척추외과 학회지 |
골다공증에서 발생한 척추압박골절과 kummell씨 병에서 척추성형술 | 대한정형외과 학회지 |
삼각인대 파열을 동반한 족근 관절 내과 골절 | 대한족부외과 학회지 |
제 목 | 발표지 |
Expression of Estrogen Receptor of The Facet Joints in Degenerative Spondylolisthesis | Spine. 2005 |
Vertebroplasty for Vertebral Compression Fracture and Kummell’s Disease in Osteoporosis | PASMISS. 2004 |
Expression of the Estrogen Receptor on the Ligamentum Flavum and the Facet Joint Capsule in Degenerative Spinal Stenosis - Effect of the Expression of the Estrogen Receptor on the Morphological Difference | ESJ. 2005 |
The Change of Sacroiliac Joint after Instrumental Lumbosacral Fusion | The Annual Meeting of KSSS. 2004 |
The Volumetric Change of Grafted Bone after Posterolateral Fusion and Posterolumbar Interbody Fusion in the Lumbar Spine | The Annual Spring Meeting of KSSS. 2005 |
Lumbar Rediculopathy by Leukotriene B4 and Thromboxane B2 on Nerve Roots in the Rat | ESJ. 2005 |
Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for Vertebral Compression Fractures with and without intravertebral Clefts. | JBJS[BR]. 2006 |
The apoptotic effects of oxidativw stress and anti-apoptotic effects of caspase inhibitors on rat notochordal cells. | Spine. 2007 |
Notochordal Cells Induce Chemotaxis of Cartilage-Endplate Chondrocytes in In vitro Motility Assasy. | J Kor Spine Surgery. 2007 |
Surgical treatment for delayed pyogenic spomdylitis after percutaneous verteborplasty and kyphoplasty.Report of 4 case. | J Neurosurg Spine. 2008 |
Senescence of nucleus pulposus chondrocytes in human intervertebral discs. | ASJ. 2008 |
Degenration of sacroiliac joint after instrumented lumber or lumbosacral fusion: a prospectiive cohort study over five-year follow-up. | Spine. 2008 |
Postoperative Trichosporon asahii spondylodiscitis after open lumbar discectomy: a case report. | Spine. 2008 |
Bone Graft Volumetric Changes and Clincal Outcomes after instrumented Lumbar or Lumbosacral Fusion-A prospective cohort study with a 5-year follow-up | Spine. 2009 |
Senescence mechanisms of nucleus pulposus chondrocytes in human intervertebral discs. | Spine J. 2009 |
Notochordal cells stimulate migration of cartilage end plate chondrocytes of the intervertebral disc in in vitro cell migration assays. | Spine J. 2009 |
Bone graft volumetric changes and clinical outcomes after instrumented lumbar or lumbosacral fusion : a prospective cohort study with a five-year follow-up. | Spine. 2009 |
Bone mineral densities of the vertebral body and intertransverse fusion mass after instrumented intertransverse process fusion. | Spine. 2010 |
The effect of vertebroplasty on pulmonary function in patients with osteoporotic compression fractures of the thoracic spine. | J Spinal Disord Tech. 2011 |
Disseminated septic emboli, septic thrombosis of the vena cava and the common iliac and renal veins, and retroperitoneal abscess secondary to pyogenic spondylitis of the lumbar spine: a case report. | JBJS[Am]. 2011 |